Legal notice

RB Law Office is a Business Law firm located at: 27 Boulevard Al Adarissa 20232 – Casablanca, registered with the Casablanca Bar Association.The Site, hereinafter known as the Site, is the property of RB Law Office.This Site is hosted by the company Bluehost, whose head office is located in Jacksonville, FL 32256.

This Website contains general information about RB Law Office and is not intended to serve as a source of legal advice. Emails sent to RB Law Office will not create an Attorney/Client relationship nor be treated as confidential.

The reproduction or the representation, total or partial, of any page, data, illustration, texts or any other component of this Website, whatever the means or the support, is prohibited, and constitutes, without prior written agreement, an infringement, in accordance with the Moroccan intellectual property laws and the international treaties.